Friday, August 7, 2009


I am at odds with my folks currently. Of course I am angelic to them most of the time, but there are times, when things snap. I try very hard not to react when they are cynical and critical about me, I even practice deep breathing. Having a temper that rises quite suddenly is not a virtue, and with parents, definitely not. Though I can get past arguing with people of my age, but call me orthodox, I still do not promote arguing with folks yet. And this is where I eat my words.

I have had to, on more than one occasion, raise my voice. And very toxic when it comes to pointing out the truth, it has hurt them manifold. They have shed tears and told me they hadn’t expected this etc etc. Things do become bitter when a family argues. It may start small, but inevitably, it takes up more people in its wake and it ends ugly. And that is the part I oh so hate about life.

When you are this close to people, and they just decide to rip you apart on a fine day, its just not fair. Its how that fairytale went, the evil king’s weakness was in the parrot so the hero went and killed the parrot. I know bad metaphor, I am not an evil king or anything, am just a very humane being with some weaknesses of my own. There should be a law that bars your family from picking out your choicest vulnerabilities in a fight. It is so.not.done!

Coming back to the reality of my life, am coming to work with self prepared food (bread and butter in short) and am also walking till my faraway bus stop instead of my father dropping me. Oh for the uninitiated, it is called EGO in my family. For the record, neither is he making an effort. Today he tried putting in an omlette in my tiffin box, but I simply went and took it out. I am not ready yet.

These are trying times, and I am very tired, mentally and physically. I don’t really need to give a reason or a measure as to how very much tired I am, but yeah, till things look up, I shall remain my grumpy self. Suits this effing weather, anyway..


  1. can completely relate to this post - infact I just wrote about something like that in my previous post.. came to your post thru Merlin's.. still have to read some more of your posts but I can already feel a connection

  2. @rookieblogger,
    i just read ur post on it..sigh i m feeling bad already now :( we do these things to the ones we love, ironic, isnt it? :|

  3. just chill chill just chill :) Its only family and the family that fights together stays together :)

  4. eta ki theek? :P such things keep happening, they are parents after all, you cant be pissed with them for too long and neither can they...
    cheer up mrins!

  5. @Klu,
    yes stays together, lol..tell me all about it klu!!
    PS:Are u singing the Salman song? :P

    shei..eta to theek na :P trying gettin bk to normal, i rly am :)
